

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Fabulous 5th Grade

Well...It looks like I'll be teaching 5th grade self-contained (and one segment of co-taught) SPED next year. 

Now, I HATE change, y'all! It just ruffles my feathers and makes me super anxious (yes, I really AM a special ed teacher...PROMISE!) My initial response was fear, anxiety, and a whole LOT of self-doubt. For all of my teaching career, I've started off the year in either a new school AND new grade or just a new grade. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but my biggest wish is just for consistency. 

A few chats with some members of my admin team helped me to understand their decision to place me there and I am now feeling capable, hopeful, and even excited! I get to loop up with my babies and my 4th grade team leader will be the team leader for 5th grade (and honestly, I can't keep my head on straight without her). I've got some of the support and consistency that I want even with the change. 

And so the Pinteresting begins for new decor ideas, new lesson ideas, and new classroom management ideas to spend the summer getting ready to make next year the best year ever!

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